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How to find a sense of enjoyment in moving your body long term: The true hack to a 6-pack

The first mistake I made in the beginning stages of my training career: assuming that all of my clients will come to love working out as much as I do. SOME do. Many solely work out simply because they know that it's good for them, just like they know they need to eat their vegetables.

For example: I took a poll on my instagram story. I asked if my followers like to work out. The only people who voted are those I know to be fitness enthusiasts. If you're new to the workout space - it's natural to not have an answer other than, "I just know I should work out because it's good for me". Do I expect you to love exercise as much as I do? Definitely NOT. I could literally write poetry describing how good it feels to test my body in different levels of tension, feel my lungs burn, and have my entire body shake. I do NOT expect you to be a keener like myself or fellow trainers. This in mind, I'm going to delve into tips in finding a semblance of JOY in the process of working out in order to maintain a regiment that will get you to your goal - and MAINTAIN it. Because, let's face it, if you don't like what you're doing, you WILL NOT stick to it. No matter how badly you want that 6-pack.

4 Tips to Enjoy Training / Moving Your Body Long Term:

  1. Tell your trainer which exercises / modalities of movement you enjoy. A good trainer knows how to compromise in incorporating the moves you enjoy while improving the way your body moves overall. For example, if you were a runner back in high school and you want to get back into it, while improving your strength and body composition, who says you can't run a few times a week and hit the gym 3 times a week?

  2. Challenge yourself in learning a new movement in each training block. Pick a goal movement that is either: new to you, or, that you know you suck at and work to improve on that movement. This movement can be anything from perfecting a squat, learning how to balance on one leg or jumping on a higher box.

  3. Be realistic with what your body can handle. You know the saying "my eyes are bigger than my stomach?" Same rationale can be applied to training. If you are newer in the gym and see a highly experienced athlete throw an insane amount of weight over their head and try to do the same thing, this will not go well, AND you'll be less likely to wish to go back to the gym (a bit of a drastic comparison but you get the gist).

  4. Work with your trainer / physiotherapist in addressing your individual limitations. If you have a "tight chest" or a "weak back" - put in the work in improving your ability to mobilize and stabilize your essential levers and foundations of your body. I assure you - you will enjoy your training AND every day fun excursions / adventures with loved ones when you have less pain.

In conclusion:

If you don't enjoy your workout / movement modality - you are far less likely to achieve MAINTAINABLE results. Simple as that. Working out does not have to be an unpleasant experience in doing it "just because you have to". That's like horking down dry-ass chicken for the rest of your life because "it's good for you". Add some flavor to your exercise routine. Spice it up a little. Mix in the fun flavors WITH the essential ingredients, the meat and potatoes of a strong, healthy body.

In Health,


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